We were asked to fly over 2000 seasonal workers from 罗马尼亚 和 保加利亚 to 德国 to help farms bring in the harvest during the Covid-19 p和emic in spring 2020. There were several obstacles to overcome, including poor communication from authorities 和 constantly changing travel restrictions 和 regulations.


We were asked to fly over 2000 seasonal workers from 罗马尼亚 和 保加利亚 to 德国 to help farms bring in the harvest during the Covid-19 p和emic in spring 2020. There were several obstacles to overcome, including poor communication from authorities 和 constantly changing travel restrictions 和 regulations.


路线: Passengers were flown from Cluj-Napoca, 布加勒斯特, 锡比乌和Iași在罗马尼亚, 加上保加利亚的博尔加斯和索菲亚, 德国汉堡的城市, 纽伦堡法兰克福哈恩和汉诺威.

飞机: Various aircraft were sourced for the charters, 包括一架波音737-800, 麦道MD-82, 空客A320 / A319, 庞巴迪CRJ200.

We used our unrivalled local knowledge to identify the only airports in 德国 that were accepting flights of harvest workers 和 allowing them to enter the country. Thanks to our strong relationships with airlines, 和 good relationship with 罗马尼亚n 和 保加利亚n airports, we quickly sourced large aircraft that could transport large groups of workers at once.

Our expert team kept the clients updated throughout 和 liaised closely with the 罗马尼亚n, 保加利亚n 和 German authorities to keep up-to-date on current travel restrictions 和 ensure the smooth transit of over 2,000名农场工人.


加倍努力: ACS’ exceptional level of personalised service really st和s out with large-scale 和 difficult jobs like this. We were able to assign a dedicated taskforce, which was available 24/7 (even during public holidays) 和 included team-members who are fluent in German 和 罗马尼亚n.

  • 专门的客户经理
  • 没有义务
  • 30年以上工作经验
  • 可用的24/7

